Cato says hello

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    Cato is a part-Siamese boy who was born in a barn in Sonoma, California. His mother was feral and he was taken quite young and given to my landlady. He was a tough customer, so she passed him on to me. The first year of his life he attacked anything and everything, dangerous. Now in middle age he has mellowed and is quite charming when he decides he should come in the house (not often). He is a great inspiration to me and I have a whole blog built around his candidacy for president. Someone posted my website last week on this blog and that’s how I discovered this site. I was charmed as kittens are my weakness. I have been lurking and thought I would say hello! Sincerely, Elizabeth


    Hi Cato and Elizabeth,

    Welcome to TDK and the night shift. I saw your post the other day, and thought it was hilarious. Cato is a handsome lad, and I, for one, would be glad to vote for him for pres. Go, Cato!


    Welcome, Elizabeth and Cato! I love Cato’s blog. I think he is a viable candidate for president. Does Cato have a page on


    Hi Elizabeth! Have you thought about Cato’s posibilities in Europe? Spain perhaps?


    Rubia in CA, 4/28

    Hi Elizabeth and Cato! Welcome to TDK! I for one would vote for Cato for president! He would make a much better choice than any of the current lot of politicians! 😀


    Elizabeth, I think Cato would make a wonderful president!! Considering how well the two-legged candidates have done, a four-legged one would be great ;P


    Welcome to our happy home!!! Cato is a beauty (or handsome might be better served). Well, no matter, we love all the fur babies that belong to our family. Love Terri

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Welcome, Elizabeth and Cato. Glad to have you aboard! Hugs and Purrs.


    Cato 2008!

    I wonder if his platform could include “Free neutering to every household with an animal in it. This is mandatory. If you don’t neuter your pet, it’s YOU.” Some exceptions allowed, but otherwise, snip, snip, snip.


    Thank you for such a nice welcome! Here is the url to Cato’s page on Catster: I love Catster, but I have a full time job that prevents a whole lot of attention to the site.

    When a mandatory neutering bill was introduced in the Califoria legislature it was met with a whole lot of opposition.

    Cato is watching how the neutering issue is playing out legislatively across the nation. Of course, he feels that neutering is the way to go and would support free neutering or vouchers for all, including humans. Afterall, he is neutered and feels that all politicians should under go the same to assure there is no hanky panky when the public’s business needs to be attended to! 🙂 Elizabeth


    Its a good thing there are arms on this chair, otherwise I would have fallen out of it laughing! I do love the thought of the neutering and if it isn’t done, than its YOU….less politicians don’t ya think ;P


    Tiger has sent a friend invite to Cato. He has my vote!!


    Cato certainly has the Meezer vote from my house 🙂


    Welcome Cato and Elizabeth. Sylvester sends a friends invite via his catster page. I love Cato’s way of thinking on that all politicians should be neutered as well. I was laughing at my desk and getting funny looks.


    Hi Elizabeth, hi Cato (same name as our neighbours’ alsation, I’m sure our lot would much rather have your Cato in the next garden!!) – yup, I’ll vote for him. Is there a campaign t-shirt?


    Thanks for such a nice reception. I knew kitten people were good people! Thanks for the friend links on Caster too. No t-shirt yet. I was thinking of my stellar photo as the Great Cat might be nice. Check it out and let me know what you think!

    I know the photoshop could be improved, but my paws are slippery 🙂



    Elizabeth, you and Cato have a GREAT idea. Neuter the politicians. !!!!! I love it! Baer, Watson, Dash and Caspar are sending a friends invite, too.


    CATO’O8!!>^..^< “It’s time to clean out the turds in the D.C. sandbox!”


    I am so very sorry I, as an European, can’t vote for Cato. We definitely need more felines in top offices all around the world.

    Go, Cato, Go!

    KYKAT 12 23

    Cato for worldwide leader!

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