he won’t stop biting… please help!

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    I’m a new kitty mom and I’ve had my kitten for about 6 wks now, and he’s about 3 1/2 mths. I love him to pieces, but he’s developed the habit of biting my fingers, toes, arms, legs, or any other part of me he can get his teeth on, he sinks them in.

    His last vet visit was fine and the doc said all his baby teeth are in, so is he just trying them out? How do I stop this, before I am really hurt?


    Congrats on being a new kitty mom! It’s been a LONG time since I had a baby but I think it’s normal for him to be biting as he is teething. However, I am sure more experienced or recent mom’s will jump in soon to help you!


    Hi, Kaits Mama. Welcome to TDK! I added a tag called “biting” to this thread. Click on it and you will see other threads where the topic of biting has been discussed.

    Is that your kitten in your avatar? What a beautiful cat! Please click on my avatar to see photos of my three kits, Digit, Furl and Boots.


    He’s a cutie.

    If you were a cat you would stop him from biting you by holding his head down (gently – remember you’re a cat) and hissing at him. Then get up and leave the room without another word or even looking at him. You don’t have to stay out of the room very long, just a couple of minutes. Then come back in and initiate play with him again but with a toy. If he accidentally touches your hand while he is playing, don’t worry about it. But if he purposely ignores the toy and chooses your hand instead, repeat the ‘hold, hiss, leave’ process.


    Thank you all so much,

    Lainey, as you can see ppl did jump right in to help. Kitten Whisperer thanks so much for the tag, all the other articles were very helpful and added some insight into some other behaviors of his that I didn’t understand. Yes the avatar is a pic of my love! Kaieteur… one of the very few moments he is awake and still enough to take a picture! Your kitties are absolutely lovely as well.

    CBMommy, I have already tried the hold, hiss, leave today, and it seems to work great! He’s already stayed away from under the desk (with all the wires and cable and internet modems) and hit biting my hands/feet have been reduced, all in less than a day!

    Thank you all so very much!


    Glad these tips are working for you, KaitsMama. Please keep posting. We love hearing about each others’ kits.

    Things are usually pretty quiet here on the weekend so keep checking back. People tend to gather on a morning cafe thread started each day and on the night shift each evening. Please join in! 🙂


    Thanks again for all you guy’s help!

    He still as rambunctious and playful as ever, and I do not want that to change. His biting is somewhat controlled now, and i think it will only get better. His new favourite past time seems to be dumping some food outside his bowl and “hunting” for the pieces… It’s fun to watch him “capture” a piece of kibble.


    My little Confucius ( Foo Foo ) started doing the same thing. I was told to give her something appropriate when she bites. So now when she starts going for my hand or any other part of me, I give her heavy duty a drinking straw. She thinks its the best toy ever and is now not biting half as much. The rescue said the straw is like a teething toy and she just needed to learn who and what is ok to chew on! Good luck !!


    i got a 2 & a half month old kitten & im wonder where he bites & scratches me i tend to either smack his butt or his face, does this hurt him? I’m kinda new with a kitten in all cause it’s the first kitten i ever had & i’m still trying to learn everything i need to know about him so if someone can gimme a little help on how to really train him how to stop scratching & biting i’ll really apreciate it.


    Leesha, please read the advice above about how to communicate to a kitten that biting is unacceptable behavior.

    In addition, I cannot emphasize enough… do NOT play with a kitten directly with your hands. Use a toy that the kitten can attack; a ‘wand’ toy or a toy on a string dragged across the ground usually works well. Or crumple up a piece of paper and roll it across the floor.

    Hands are for petting and treats ONLY; they are not to be used as playthings, and not for smacking the kitten. The kitten doesn’t know any better than to play with your hands (if you allow it or encourage it). So don’t let the kitten play with your hands.


    Well you could get him something to teeth on then if he bites you tell him no, set him on the ground and ignore him. Eventually he will asssociate no attention with hurting you. He should eventually stop.


    yeah well thanks for the advice, im kinda new with having a kitten in all so i didn’t really know i was up till four am this morning trying to figure out how to make him stop doing the things hes doing. then i found this site. im sure if anything else comes up i will come & see how someone else handles it. i do use paper & he got a little teddy bear but then he gets over excited & comes for my hands & face, but i guess he’s gunna have to learn that he’s not allowed. im hoping he gets out of the habit soon.


    Well good luck! Lot’s of people are here to help.


    well i must be doing something right because when i say no to when hes nibbling on my fingers for his poor little teeth he listens :). i’m actually getting somewhere amazingly. i’m going down in town tomorrow to get a spray bottle so then i can teach him not to scratch or bite people & things.


    Good to hear things have improved. I went through this recently with a new kitten as well, consistency was key. In just a few weeks he’s really gotten the idea and our hands are safe. Also, he’s been ultra affectionate, probably because I’m not constantly shouting “NO” at him anymore. Hope things continue to move in the right direction for you.


    Just be consistant—


    Awesome! Glad to here it


    It’s all about the teeth for little kitties. Get him a little toy he can call his own, can mark well with his scent, and can bite away as much as he wants for some relief for his little needle toothies. Play with him, with this toy, and then just handle him when he’s calm, or sleepy, so he associates your hands with nice, soothing strokes. Make sure any toys for teeth relief are safe, with no easily bite-offable parts – then you can let him have the toy in his bed for night-time chewing.


    so far my consistency has paid off… he doesnt bite my fingers or hands anymore, but now his new thing is attacking my feet when i walk. it’s kind of cute, as he walks behind me and jumps after each leg as i walk… sometimes he scratches/bites, other times it’s just him bumping my legs… i think i can live with that.


    Oh that is so cute – I love it when my kits do that. So playful, and entirely affectionate!

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