Homemade Recipes for Dionnewb’s Joe

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    Kaffe’s Cream of Chicken Soup

    (for the debilated or recuperating kitty and ideal for syringe or assisted feeding)

    500 grams Chicken breast, meat only****

    1 Cup Chicken broth

    1/2 -2/3 Cup KMR Kitten Milk Replacer by PetAg

    7.5 oz (or 3 x 2.5 oz jars) Beechnut Butternut Squash Baby food

    1/2 tsp Eggshell, finely ground to powder, or 900mg calcium citrate or

    carbonate (NOT optional)

    500- 1000mg Taurine (NOT optional – you may use only 500mg if giving a multivit,

    1000mg if not)

    8 – 10 tabs Nu-Cat Senior (Multi-vitamin and mineral tablets), finely

    crushed (optional if not feeding for more than 1-2 weeks – also, you

    may use any appropriate kitty multi-vit-min of your choice)


    1. In a pot, cook the chicken breast in enough water to cover the meaty parts.* Bring to a gentle boil and simmer for 45 mins to an hour to make chicken broth and to tenderize the breast. When done, allow to cool before removing all the skin and finely shreding the chicken breast meat in prepation for the blender. The meat has to be finely shreded in order for the mixture to become creamy in the blender.

    2. The water in the pot is the chicken broth. Set aside at least 1 cup to mix in the blender.

    3. In a bowl mix together the crushed multi-vitamins, eggshell powder, taurine, babyfood squash and KMR milk replacer.

    4. Pour and blend all ingedients in a blender or food processor. To get the right creamy consistency, you will have to do this in at least 3 lots; then using a large mixing bowl, combine and mix all the lots together.

    * You may want to MICROWAVE the chicken meat for 2 minutes becuase according to an article from the Cancer Institute, microwaving meats for 2 minutes BEFORE cooking actually lowers the levels of carcinogenic Heterocyclic Amines (HCA) produced when cooking meats at high temperatures.

    **Finished product should look and smell just like cream of chicken soup for humans!

    ****(from ff50) – I’d think it would be best to use chicken thighs/drumsticks or hearts as they are much higher in taurine. Also add maybe twice the taurine it says, rice kills taurine. Also, don’t remove the skin, do remove bones though of course.

    Elvis the King’s Renal Recipe

    450g Ground turkey

    50g Ground chicken liver

    100g Cooked and mashed or pureed mixed vegetables:

    a. 50g squash for GI health

    b. 20g kale – source of iron, good for kidney kitties who tend to anemia

    c. 30g yam – great source of potassium – good for kidney kitties who tend to


    100g Uncooked white or brown rice

    1 tsp Ground eggshell powder (1.6 : 1)

    1000mg Taurine (important for heart function)

    2000mg Salmon Oil (important for good kidney function)

    200IU Vit. E (important antioxidant and should be used with any fish body oil)

    2 tabs B-50 Vitamin B-Complex (important bec kidney kitties pee a lot and B-

    vitamins get washed out in the urine)

    1/8 tsp Potassium Chloride (salt substitute) or iodized salt or Dulse

    [edit: there is some question as to the suitability of potassium chloride in a kidney cat’s diet – may contribute to metabolic acidosis to which kidney cats are prone]

    Calories: 1552.2

    Protein: 143.18g

    Fat: 62.81g

    Carbs: 93.45g

    Fiber: 4.37g

    Ash: 7.19g

    Total: 311g x 1000 = 311,000

    Phosphorus: 1166. 8mg / 311,000 x 100% = 0.3751%

    Protein: 143.18 / 311 x 100% = 46.038%


    1. Cook ground turkey and liver in a little bit of water… do not brown

    2. Cook the vegetables in water and mash them together

    3. Over-boil the rice (around 30mins)

    4. Combine all ingredients and run them through blender with enough water for processing

    From: itchmoforums


    Oh thank you so much! I’m bookmarking this right now…

    Anyway, I have questions:

    1. Beechnut Butternut Squash Baby Food: I don’t think this brand is available in indonesia. We only have gerber’s. Local baby foods are usually in the form of powder. Is it OK to use this? Or should I try to get some gerber’s?

    2.Nu-cat is also not available (you’ll be amazed of what is not available here). But there is something called nutri-plus gel multivitamin that most vets recommends 🙂

    3. I don’t have a microwave. I used to, but it broke :p

    4. What is GI health? And what squash does it require?

    5. For the taurine, vit E, B complex, can I use the nutri-plus gel? If not, can I use just any brand I can find in the market?

    Once again thanks a lot for your help! Will start hunting for the ingredients asap, and keep you posted 🙂

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