Dry Food

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    I am trying to get Sophie to eat some dry, mostly because sometimes I get caught up at work and I’d like for her to be able to graze on dry so she isn’t starving when I get home and waiting for me to feed her wet. Here lies the problem. She just looks at the dry.

    I am feeding her wellness wet and dry and she wouldn’t even sniff the dry. So I swtiched over to Go! dry and she’ll nibble at it, eat it, adn sniff if but at her feeding times she’ll just LOOK at me. Any suggestions about what to do? Been trying to mix some wet with dry and decreasing the amount of wet to wean her off…but not sure if this is the right thing to do?

    I mean is it ok if I just leave out dry? I have seen her eat the dry just on its own…will she eat it on her own when I am at work adn she just playing the cute card hoppnig I feed her wet when I am around?!


    How old is Sophie?

    If she is a kitten then I think it may be best to let her have dry available during the day but still offer as much canned as she wants at least twice a day. Also wet food can be left out for 12 hours and it really isn’t a problem. Just pour a little bit of water on top of the wet and let her free fed wet.

    If she is an adult she is not going to starve. Free feeding adults is really not a good idea. it is best for them to get just 2-3 meals a day. I feed all mine just one meal a day and they are just fine.


    Sophie is an adult cat. Hrm..maybe I should try that. Switch up her feed schdule for later in the evening? Is it ok to feed her a can of wet just a night when I come home and just leave dry out throughout the day in case she gets hungry then?


    If you can feed both morning and night because else some cats will eat to fast and throw up.

    It doesn’t really have to be exactly twelve ours apart. Just quick put out a bit of wet before you leave in the morning and then give her some when you get home that night.

    if you want to feed dry as well try ask for samples and see what she chooses. some stores will give you samples, some won’t but it doesn’t hurt to ask.


    *sigh* I just would like to get her on some dry too for the holidays when I am away and have someone cat sitting. I’d hate to have someone come over twice a day to feed her wet..having them leave out some dry and then feed her wet so she can eat the dry if she gets hungry before their next visit is much easier


    there are some timed feeders that you can put canned food in as their is a place inside of them for icepacks.

    Else when I was trying to switch a cat from purina ONE to a high quality dry food I set out lots of bowls. Out of all the choices (5 I think) she went for Taste of the Wild.

    My aunt who was feeding friskies dry did the same method as I had used and her cat picked Wellness CORE.

    Both Taste of the Wild and Wellness CORE are stonger smelling dry foods so I don’t know if that is why they picked them.


    *sigh* kitties are picky creatures! Do you know where I can find the time feeders online?


    here is one of them: http://www.petguys.com/-035368002120.html

    maybe look for reviews to see what others thought of it.


    BAh they don’t ship to Canada! *bang head against keyboard* argh


    Best not to feed your cat dry food. Many people have an incredibly hard time getting their dry-addicted cats off the kitty crack! Sounds like your Sophie knows what’s best for her!

    Here’s why: http://www.blakkatz.com/dryfood.html

    Mine are off the doom nuggets nearly 3 weeks now, and already I am seeing health benefits in them.


    I know..its jsut hard to feed her wet twice a day when I am away and asking someone to cat sit…asking someone volunteer their time and to come in twice a day is kind of hard…


    Try mixing a little of treat-like dry kibble in the dry of your choice…my sister’s cat was picky until she started that little trick of the food trade!


    Good idea…she loves greenies dental treats might crush up a few and put it in with the dry


    I vote for leaving a bowl of dry food out. Most of the cats in my life have been fed wet food in the evening with dry always available. It sounds like Sophie knows dry food is edible, but it’s not her first choice. This is actually a fairly good situation – it means you can leave out the dry and she won’t overeat (or starve). My kitties adore their wet food, and will meow insistantly for it, but are able to make do on dry.

    The funniest cat I ever knew loved the smell of wet cat food (and human food) but would never eat it. She had to pick up each piece of crunchy kibble and eat it out of her paw, and the wet food didn’t “work” that way. We’d offer her wet food, but she couldn’t figure out how to eat it. It was sad. Kinda hilarious, too. She lived to be a great old cat of 20 years, so it didn’t harm her any.


    Awww Sacrducat that is so precious 🙂


    BAH! Blast she stopped eating just dry again. She rather starve and I can’t resist her little meows for wet..I think I am just going to get hte timer feeder…thing 😛

    We only have ones without the ice pack in Canada…I suppose it doesn’t matter too much as long as its air tight and seals in teh moisture for the food. i Mean it IS brand new out of can..and the can isn’t refridgerated?


    Since you can’t get a timed feeder with an icepack you could freeze the canned food.

    What I mean is that if you are going to be gone you could feed normally in the morning. Put the wet food for the night in the fridge. And then freeze the rest of the canned food if it is going to be in the feeder for more than 24 hours. That way it should thaw by the time it is used but will still be fresh.


    OHHh great idea! You’re amazing!


    I’m aware of all the differing opinions, but Pickle, Button & Eric have always been on dry food, and always get complimented on their good health & gorgeous fur. We leave dry food out, as they’re all grazers, and like to eat little but often. Harry is another matter – he’s definitely a wet food fan, and likes to eat 4 small meals in 24 hours. He won’t graze inbetween, even though biscuits are left out for him!


    Iliketea –

    Are you going to have someone coming over to feed Sophie while you are gone? If you are, I’d suggest keeping things simple. Have that person give Sophie a big serving of wet food when they come, and make sure she has plenty of kibble and water. It’s not forever, just for vacation. Sophie will be a little pissed off about the menu, but I promise she won’t starve.

    My kitties adore their wet food, and don’t eat much of the dry. But I’ve left them with the dry food, and a cat sitter to visit every day (or every other day in a pinch), and they manage really well. No weight loss, normal levels and types of poop, etc.

    I worry about the automatic feeders – what if there is a power outage? What if it tries to open and the cat is already there?

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