My first experience with life and death

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    So last night, I received a frantic call from my friend that I took Otter from. Her persian was in labor, she had a dead kitten, and another that was barely breathing. I rushed over, looked after the alive kitten and tried to get him to nurse. He was so lethargic but he was trying to eat. Mom was being a little difficult. We don’t think she realized he was still alive because he had been born not breathing. So my bf took him into the other room and warmed him up. We gave him karo on his gums and kept rubbing him lightly. I made an emergency formula with what I had and remembered. I substituted plain yogurt for one part vanilla yogurt and one part mayo. Added egg yolk, more karo, and a pedialyte recipe. He seemed to perk up, but he was becoming more and more lethargic. We let him sleep. He ended up pooping too. He fit in the palm of my hand.

    So a couple of hours after we got there, mama started to have contractions and started pushing out the sac. We timed it. She started at 12:10 and got it out at 12:17. The baby wasn’t moving. Mom didn’t clean him. We grabbed him, cut him free of the placenta, and started rubbing. Nothing. I checked him for obvious deformities. His nose was so flat, I don’t think his airway was open or could be open. He didn’t have a chance. So we set him aside and kept trying to coax mama to clean her alive baby. I got him to eat 2mL of the emergency formula. He kept getting better at swallowing it instead of just gurgling out the food. He got some down. Mama seemed to stop having contractions altogether. We felt her belly, and could tell there was something still in there. We didn’t know if it was a cyst that hindered her babies development, or another dead kitten. But our focus was the alive one for now. We kept rubbing and trying to get him to nurse. But it was late, so we had to go home. She was going to get up every few hours to feed him. We didn’t have high hopes that he would survive the night. But I thought he had a chance. Mama was starting to clean him, and he was becoming stronger by the minute. When I woke up this morning, I found this on my phone:

    He was nursing! As far as I know he is still alive. I am so glad he survived the night. We are going to take it day by day, and try our hardest to get him to nurse on mom. I offered to bottle feed him if he makes it long enough and he doesn’t keep nursing. I hope this cutie makes it!


    Wow, that is wonderful, hoping little cutie survives. Thanks for the pics, must share as bump!


    He is still alive and nursing! Such a relief.


    I hope he keeps fighting. It might be a good idea to take mama and kitty to the vet and let the vet try to figure out if mama has another kitten still in her. If she does, it will need to come out pronto, otherwise she’ll get sepsis and die.


    Yeah, I told her to make an appointment to see, because the emergency vet is waaay expensive. I am going to feel her today and see if it is gone.


    Thank god the little fella is doing well!! Will your friend consider having her cat spayed ?? If she had problems either this pregnancy she’ll probably have problems with others.. I would hate for your or her to have to go through this again..


    Sorry you and mama had to go through that but very happy the little one is doing good:) I would strongly encourage getting them to the vet and also getting mom spayed.


    Momma was from a breeder, and my friend adopted her while she was pregnant. She will most likely be spayed, or just not bred ever again. She named the baby Nemo, because my bf called him that while he was looking after him (: She knows that that cat probably will never have a good pregnancy and she doesn’t want her to get pregnant again.


    Baby is doing so well! I just got to see him again and he is nursing on mom and moving and even crying more! He can lift his head on his own strength and crawl around now. I am so happy! I hope he makes it. He will be such a cute kitten (: And there were no signs of lumps in momma, just her milk. She has returned to a normal size and I couldn’t feel anything in her like I did last night.


    Awwww 🙂 So sweet, and I love the pics! What a cutie! That is such a great thing you guys did for that little guy! I hope he continues to do well, it sounds like things are going great so far!


    He is doing great. Momma even stimulates him and let’s him nurse better. I think she is warming up to being a mom again. She tries to escape but she will go keep him warm at night. Nemo is so cute, he has a little fo-hawk!


    Aw such great news.. Delighted to hear your friend is caring enough to rescue momma and knows the importance of spaying . Make sure she knows though if she doesn’t spay her females have a funny way of managing to escape the house while in heat they becomes amazing escape artists and sometimes no matter what precautions you take to keep a heat indoors they still manage to escape..


    I think she will spay them. She has her other cats fixed. We just couldn’t figure out why this litter was so bad. Baby Nemo is so precious. He was responding to my touch and moving his head. He is so cute. I just want to eat him up! >.< <3


    Aw, well done for helping to get this wee guy going! Fingers crossed that he continues to do well and get stronger.


    Hmmm, if the little one who didn’t make it had a nose so flat that he couldn’t breathe properly, then I would guess that inbreeding has played a role somewhere. I am very glad the other little one seems to be doing so well, hope he becomes bigger and stronger every day,


    I wouldn’t doubt there had been inbreeding. But Nemo is getting stronger every day, and has made it through last night (: He has gotten a good amount of colostrum milk as well. He just needs to keep going day by day! He was so precious (:


    Nemo is adorable!!! What a blessing! So sorry about his littermate.


    Unfortunately Nemo died last night : He was chilled and became lethargic and wouldn’t eat. He was loved though. I believe Nemo was inbred as his mom came from a backyard breeder, and mom was bred back to back without any breaks. It is tragic. This is why it is so important to only breed when you are experienced and can handle the litters of kittens without letting them inbreed. Backyard breeding not only kills so many animals, but they make it hard for kittens in shelters to find homes of their own. Spay and Neuter, folks. That’s the only way to prevent these kinds of deaths.


    I sorry about little Nemo going to the Bridge. He will be welcomed by the Wolf and Mama Cat will take care of him now.

    You are right about spay and neuter and breeding very carefully and responsibly. But at least Nemo knew love and security while he was here.


    RIP little one.

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