Toby Edward Horner

Location: Monroe, Michigan, USA

Toby Edward Horner

I just recently rescued a kitten. His name is Toby Edward. I was at my sister-n-law’s house and there was this high pitch faint meow cry in her driveway. It was a solid black kitten and when I went to pick it up I noticed her little back legs were not working. I walked the whole neighborhood looking for the owners. She was wearing a fairly new flea collar so I assumed she had to be someones pet. I live in MI and the nights were already getting pretty cold and I was not going to leave this poor thing out and about. It was just after 5pm and I knew that the vet would probably close soon if not already so I drove to the nearest vet. We were the last patients of the day as they were getting ready to lock up as I walked in.

I had already spent a few hours with this kitten, talking to her and petting her. She had already bonded with me as someone to protect her. The vet looked at her and noticed fly eggs around the base of her tail and informed me that she was very pail and dehydrated. We cleaned her up there in the office and she was trying to examine the see why her legs were not working properly.. She didnt have any lacerations or noticeable open fractures so then we got concerned about her back. The vet asked if she could do an x-ray and check for a broken back. A few moments later it was confirmed and she told me that she could send the kitten home with me but that the kitten would be in constant pain and that she would give me pain pills for this little kitten. or put her down. I made one of the hardest decisions I have ever had too. I cried for days and I was only with this kitten for a few hours but she stole my heart.

I then was on a mission to get my own kitten to love and play with. A friend of mine who knew someone who knew some who had a cat had kittens. When I went to the address I found out that there were about 40+ cats/kittens running around outdoors. There was a basket with a tiny kitten. I don’t know if it was the runt or just gave up fighting for food. When the people that lived there threw food down to attract these “wild” cats the one little kitten stayed in the basket all curled up… I picked him up and he immediately started purring and closing his eyes. You couldn’t even “catch” the others. That is the moment that Toby stole my heart. He was just barely over a pound and now he is 4lbs 8oz and still eating like there’s no tomorrow. My husband and I truely adore him and he is the sweetest kitten who loves to love and be loved!

Author: Tom “The Kittenmaster” Cooper

Tom is the owner of 4 amazing cats, and using the Daily Kitten he provides a place for cat and kitten lovers to share the love for their own cats and kittens.