
Location: St. George, Ontario, Canada

Introducing “Mulder” (AKA Fox Mulder from the X-Files). I lost my beloved cat Skoalie this year due to Cancer, she was 14. I was so heartbroken, and the house was so empty. I couldn’t believe how strong the feeling was that something was missing, and life was not the same. A few weeks after losing Skoalie, I was driving around my neighborhood & my mom and I spotted a sign “Beautiful kittens for sale $5.00”. I couldn’t just drive by, and I had to take a look. I saw this adorable face I couldn’t resist, and took him home right away. Mulder is blessing, and we know a house is not a home without a cat! Best $5.00 I ever spent!

Author: Tom “The Kittenmaster” Cooper

Tom is the owner of 4 amazing cats, and using the Daily Kitten he provides a place for cat and kitten lovers to share the love for their own cats and kittens.